About Us
We are a social enterprise working under the non-profit organization of The Calgary Dream Centre. In the summer of 2019 we created a space for the men in our addictions treatment program. The initial vision was to have a place where they could come on a weekly basis to gain knowledge and experience working with various tools. Our main goal was to set these men up with some experience and give them encouragement to get back into the work force. We were wrong in the beginning thinking this was a place that was going to be just a skill learning endeavor. The results were that they were not just learning to use tools, it was very apparent that this was a place where self-esteem and confidence grew immensely. Whether a project was completed or not they learned the satisfaction and gained the confidence to step out of their comfort zones. Seeing them take this new attitude into their daily lives and how it would open up doors for them was a major blessing. In addiction recovery we like to promote service work, these men started doing it without thinking of it. Many of the projects these men build are building for someone else. Not because it is part of the curriculum but because they want to give back to those that have helped them. Being part of a non-profit organization we rely heavily on donations and government subsidies. Appreciating what we do get was not enough to be sustainable so we decided to lean towards the social enterprise and business side of things. To be more self sufficient we started taking orders and doing custom work. We pride ourselves on the craftsmanship that we deliver to our customers. With all profits going directly back into The Calgary Dream Centre This has allowed us to continue serving our men on a weekly basis. When you purchase an item from The CDC Woodshop you are contributing to the life change that happens at The Calgary Dream Centre.